Family 2
Family Time
In Germany, weekends are for the family. Most stores have shorter hours on Saturday and are closed on Sundays. This means family visits, picnics in the park, or long bike rides!
You’re accusing me?
In English, we say He likes me, but I like him. He becomes him because of the role it plays. German does the same thing with words like ein and mein!

Ich habe einen Bruder.
I have a brother.
When something is on the receiving end of an action — being loved, being seen, etc. — the word is put in the accusative case, which makes certain words change form!

Ich liebe meinen Mann.
I love my husband.
Not everything changes!
In the accusative, only masculine words change form. Others stay the same!

Meine Tochter liebt meine Schwester.
My daughter loves my sister.
Will you be my friend‑in?
Remember how German has gendered job words, like der Student and die Studentin? Well, Partner, Freund, and other similar words work the same!

Mein Freund heißt Peter.
My friend’s name is Peter.

Meine Freundin Anna kommt aus Deutschland.
My friend Anna is from Germany.