It’s an English loan word now, but originally in German, Wanderlust describes the joy of hiking and expresses a quintessential aspect of German culture.
Living in the present
In German you use the same verb form for things you do habitually and things you’re doing right now.

Ich singe oft.
I often sing.
Ich singe jetzt.
I am singing now.
You gotta like gern
To say that you like to do something, just slap gern after the verb, and bam, you like it!

Ich spiele Fußball.
I play soccer.
Ich spiele gern Fußball.
I like to play soccer.
Who wants to go jogging?
Have you mastered the verb endings we’ve been seeing? Let’s practice again!
ich | jogge |
du | joggst |
er / sie | joggt |
Sie / sie | joggen |