
What’s the rent?
Very few people in Germany own their own home! Most live in apartments. Storage problems? Nope! They can just buy another Schrank, which is a kind of standing wardrobe.
Say it isn’t so!
In English, we say I don’t like the table. In German, nicht goes to the end!
Mein Freund mag den Tisch nicht.
My friend doesn’t like the table.
Use nicht before an adjective to say it isn’t so!
Der Stuhl ist nicht bequem.
The chair is not comfortable.
Say no to nouns!
In English, we say I don’t have a desk. In German, you say I have no desk!
Mein Hund braucht keinen Schreibtisch.
My dog doesn’t need a desk.
Der or den?
Der, ein, etc., change when the noun is at the receiving end of a verb.
Magst du den Tisch?
Do you like the table?
Ich habe keinen Teppich.
I don’t have a carpet.
That’s just for masculine singular nouns though! Others stay the same.
Ich brauche die Lampe nicht.
I don’t need the lamp.
Magst du das Bücherregal?
Do you like the bookcase?