Dining Out

Dining out
When people in Germany go out to eat, the top choices are to go to a Greek or an Italian restaurant!
Waiter, please!
In English, we don’t say for I, we say for me. German is the same way!
Und für Sie?
And for you?
Für mich eine Cola.
For me a cola.
Notice how the waiter addressed you with Sie? He’s just being polite!
In English, we say we’re hungry. In German, you say we have hunger (or no hunger).
Ich habe Hunger.
I am hungry.
Ich habe kein Hunger.
I am not hungry.
Switch it round!
We say twenty‑five in English, but it’s more like fiveandtwenty in German. German numbers are the reverse of English numbers!
Der Salat kostet fünfunddreißig Euro!
The salad costs thirty‑five Euros!