You can always go downtown
German cities are very compact, and most things are within walking distance. When people need to go a little further, they ride their bikes or take public transportation.
How do I get there?
If you're giving directions to a stranger, make sure to add Sie after the verb.

Gehen Sie geradeaus!
Go straight!

Fahren Sie mit Bus Nummer zehn!
Take bus number ten.
Are you a Sie or a du?
Remember, use du with your friends and peers, and Sie with strangers, your boss, or people who are older than you. When in doubt, use Sie. It’s always polite!

Hast du die Adresse?
Do you have the address?

Haben Sie die Adresse?
Do you have the address?
Say it fast!
Words with double letters, like Nummer or Fluss? They shorten the preceding vowel, so say it fast!
Nummer, Fluss (as in “boom”)
Bett, hell (as in “set”)
kommt, joggt
a quick “oh”