
Happy Birthday!
Celebrating your own birthday in Germany can be expensive: co‑workers expect you to bring a cake, and friends expect you to treat them. By the way, don’t even think about saying alles Gute zum Geburtstag early—it’s bad luck!
When is your birthday?
Use im before months, and use am before days.
Hast du am Freitag Geburtstag?
Is your birthday on Friday?
Nein, ich habe im April Geburtstag.
No, my birthday is in April.
Hey, y’all!
You only say du when talking to one person. When talking to multiple people, use ihr!
Max, kommst du zur Party?
Max, are you coming to the party?
Peter und Lisa, kommt ihr zur Party?
Peter and Lisa, are you coming to the party?
Do you have a ten?
You’ll need a ‑ten for words like first, second, third, and so on. There are a few oddballs, but for most numbers until 19, just add ‑ten to the number word.
Ich mache am zweiten April eine Party.
I am having a party on the second of April.