
Care for your health
In Germany, everybody must have health insurance! Most people are insured through the government, and how much you pay depends on how much you earn.
NOW, please!
If you want to tell someone to do something, and you’re on informal terms with them, the verb looks a bit different—it doesn’t end in ‑st like the usual du form!
Geh zum Arzt!
Go to the doctor!
Iss Suppe!
Eat soup!
Where does the when go?
Remember, put words describing when something happens right after the verb.
Ich schlafe nachts nicht.
I don’t sleep at night.
Not any‑mehr!
In English, we say I don’t have a fever anymore. In German, you say I have no fever more.
Er hat kein Fieber mehr.
He doesn’t have a fever anymore.
Sie hat keine Kopfschmerzen mehr.
She doesn’t have a headache anymore.