Who lives in Germany?
Germany’s population is very diverse: there are people from the former Yugoslaiva, Turkey, France, Italy, Greece, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and many other countries. Even many Americans call Germany their new home.
Ich bin ein Berliner!
In English, you can say that you are an American, but in German, you just say Ich bin Amerikaner. No ein needed!

Ich bin Deutsche.
I am a German.

Wir sind Amerikaner.
We are Americans.
It’s a girl!
In German, there are a few neuter nouns that refer to people. Remember, gender is just a grammar thing in German (and it often doesn’t make a whole lot of sense).
Das Mädchen heißt Anna.
The girl’s name is Anna.
Das Baby ist acht Monate alt.
The baby is eight months old.
Das Kind spielt gern Tennis.
The child likes to play tennis.
So you think you can studieren
Studieren just means to study a subject—like psychology, or history—at a university. When you have to study for a test, remember to use lernen.

Was studierst du?
What do you study?
Ich studiere Geschichte.
I study history.