
Let’s grab a bite!
Two popular fast foods are döner and currywurst. Döner is a Turkish‑German dish: warm pita with meat, vegetables, and sauce. Currywurst is a traditional German food: grilled sausage and curry ketchup sauce. Add some fries, and it’s heaven!
Chew your food!
Remember the different you words, du and Sie? Likewise, there are different ways to tell someone what to do, depending on if it’s with friends and peers, or with strangers and superiors.
Anna, iss langsam!
Anna, eat slowly!
Frau Klum, essen Sie langsam!
Mrs. Klum, eat slowly!
Let’s buzz!
The letter s at the beginning of a word makes a buzzing bee sound!
Sonne, Sauerkraut, Senf (as in “zip”)
Kann you believe this?
Keep kicking that second verb to the end, even in questions!
Warum musst du immer Kaffee trinken?
Why do you always have to drink coffee?
Willst du den Kartoffelsalat machen?
Do you want to make the potato salad?