Travel 2

The Baltic Sea
A popular travel destination is the Baltic Sea, also known as the Ostsee. Its pristine beaches attract thousands of tourists each summer!
Wie lange …?
If you want to ask how long a movie is, how long someone’s vacation will be, etc., just say: wie lange?
Wie lange dauert der Film?
How long does the film last?
Wie is also used in questions that we’d normally use what for in English!
Wie ist Ihre Flugnummer, Herr Schmidt?
What is your flight number, Mr. Schmidt?
No für coats!
In English, we say to look for or to stay for, but not in German! When you use the suchen and bleiben, don’t add für!
Ich bleibe eine Woche.
I am staying for a week.
Was suchst du?
What are you looking for?
Yes, the contractions are real!
Remember the little word im? It’s used with locations which are masculine or neuter.
Was haben Sie im Koffer?
What do you have in the suitcase?
Wir essen nie im Wohnzimmer.
We never eat in the living room.
It’s the same with zum—it only goes with masculine and neuter nouns!
Gehen Sie zum Schalter drei!
Go to window three!