Plans 3

What time is it?
Germans use a 24‑hour clock, which means instead of saying 1 pm, they say 13 o'clock. Plus, instead of saying half past, they say it's half to the next hour!
Ich habe einen Termin um halb neun.
I have an appointment at half past eight. ​
Literal: I have an appointment at half to nine.​
Wie viel Uhr ist es?
When talking about time, the word Uhr is important! Check out all its uses!
Willst du eine Uhr?​Do you want a clock?​
Hast du die Uhrzeit?Do you have the time?​
Wie viel Uhr ist es?What time is it?​
Er kommt um acht Uhr zu Hause an.He is coming home at eight o'clock.​
Don't confuse the word Stunde with Uhr!
Meine Urgroßmutter schläft jede Nacht fünf Stunden.
My great‑grandmother sleeps five hours every night.
German sounds
Just because a German word is spelled like an English word doesn't mean it's pronounced like one!
Be careful not to mix up this one with Ohr!
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