
Good heavens!
Deciding whether to use der, die or das in German can seem very random, but you can get the hang of it. Remember to learn new nouns along with the appropriate word for the!
masculineder Baum
der Berg
der Wind
der Mond
der Himmel​
der Stern
femininedie Natur
die Luft
die Blume
die Erde
die Sonne
neuterdas Feuer
das Meer
The letter e
The letter e sounds different depending on where it is in a word!
Berg, Stern, lernen
as in “
leben, sehen, gehen
as in “l
Sonne, Bäume, Erde
uh sound, as in “support”
A window into Germany
Fresh, clean Luft is very important to Germans! Even in winter, Germans will open windows for a few minutes to get the fresh air in.
If you visit Germany in the summer, be aware that air conditioning and screens are uncommon in European homes. Be sure to pack for the season!
Die Luft ist sauber.
The air is clean.