
Just as waiter and waitress correspond to different genders, all professions in German have a masculine and feminine version. The feminine ones end with ‑in!
der Kellner, die Kellnerin
the waiter, the waitress
You are German student!
You are your profession! In English, we say I am an actor, but in German, you just say I am actor.
Ich bin Schauspieler.
I am an actor.
Meine Mutter ist Professorin.
My mother is a professor.
What’s mein is dein!
Remember how mein goes with masculine nouns and meine with feminine ones? It’s the same with dein and deine.
Dein Vater ist Lehrer.
Your father is a teacher.
Deine Mutter ist Ärztin.
Your mother is a doctor.
Shh! It’s time to listen!
You will hear the sh sound whenever you see sch, or when a word begins with st‑ or sp‑. Can you hear it?
schön, Schüler ​(as in “shoe”)
später, spielen
starts with “
Stern, Student
starts with “