
What do you know?
The word wissen means to know a fact, and kennen means to know a person or be familiar with something!
Ich weiß, wer du bist.
I know who you are.

Ich kenne ihre Mutter.
I know her mother.​
I like it!
Here's a new way to say you like something: gefallen! Watch out, because the thing you like doesn't get any special endings, and whoever likes the thing gets put in the dative case!
Ich hoffe, es gefällt ihr.
I hope she likes it.
Literal: I hope it pleases her.

Die Röcke gefallen mir.
I like the skirts.
Literal: The skirts please me.
I hope that you remember that!
We’ve seen how words like weil, wenn, and dass push the verb from its normal position to the end!
Ich hoffe, dass er mir hilft.
I hope that he helps me.​
In statements, was and wer do this too!
Ich weiß, was ihr meint.
I know what you mean.

Ich weiß, wer du bist.
I know who you are.