When do I need dative?
Let’s review when to use the dative case!
You’ll need it when someone is receiving something.

Wir schenken den gesamten Familie Wein.
We gave the whole family wine.
And it’s used after special verbs, like helfen.

Der Junge hilft dem alten Mann.
The boy helps the old man.
Finally, you’ll use it after words like von, aus, or mit.

Die Großmutter spricht von den vergangenen Tagen.
The grandmother is speaking of the past days.
Dative Endings
Let’s review the endings you’ll use when you need the dative case!
Er schenkt seinem Mann ein Buch.
He gives his husband a book.
Sprichst du mit der bekannten Ärztin?
Are you speaking with the famous female doctor?
Ich spreche mit dem gesamten Personal.
I am talking to the entire staff.
Ich spiele mit den deutschen Kindern.
I am playing with the German children.
Don’t forget to put an ‑n at the end of plural nouns!
Am or an dem?
Here are a few more words that smoosh together!
an + dem
on + the | am
on the |
in + dem
in + the | im
in the |
zu + der
to + the
zu + dem
to + the | zur
to the
to the |

Zur heutigen Zeit ist der Wald kleiner.
At the present time the forest is smaller.
Sometimes, people will keep the words separate, and this makes it feel more emphatic, like the difference between saying don’t and do not in English.