Opinions 2

Stop accusing me!
Remember, you’ll need to use the accusative case when a noun is the target of someone’s action.
Er trinkt den Kaffee.
He drinks the coffee.​
Things that follow words like durch, für, or ohne also use the accusative case.
Er fährt durch den Park.
He rides through the park.​
Finally, when something is moving somewhere, and you use a word like über, in, or zwischen, you’ll use the accusative.
Er geht in den Raum.
He goes into the area.​
German sounds
Here are a few words that are difficult to say. Let’s practice them!
Es ist egal!
Sometimes you don’t have an opinion. Sometimes you just don’t care. And sometimes you want to sing Bohemian Rhapsody at the top of your lungs in the shower — in German! For all of these situations, you’ll need the word egal!
Egal, wie teuer es ist!
No matter how expensive it is!​
Alles ist egal!
Everything is insignificant!​
(🎵 Nothing really matters! 🎵)​