Health 3

Tell me about it!
In German, words like da can combine with words like mit or über.
Das Pferd ist dazu perfekt.
The horse is perfect
for it.​

Daher soll ich nicht sprechen.
That is why I should not speak.​

Sind Sie damit fertig?
Are you done
with that?​
Don't forget to add an r before über ‑ it makes it easier to pronounce!
Könnt ihr mir mehr darüber sagen?
Can you tell me more
about it?​
The word damit isn't a bad word in German. In fact, it's quite helpful! ​It can mean both so that and with it.​
Köche kochen, damit es Essen für die Familien gibt.
Cooks cook so that there is food for the family.

Ich habe nichts damit zu tun.
I have nothing to do with it.