
I was going to!
Você já planejou fazer uma coisa, mas ela nunca aconteceu? Você pode falar sobre isso em inglês usando was going to!
Peter was going to come, but he is sick.
O Peter ia vir, mas ele está doente.
I thought it was going to snow.
Eu achei que ia nevar.
I was chosen for the job!
Nós vimos que frases como They have worked ou She was invited precisam de um verbo terminado em ‑ed, que normalmente é a mesma que a forma do passado. Mas há algumas exceções! Vamos revisar algumas que você pode precisar pra usar no trabalho.
be, was / were This customer has been here for an hour.

get, got Has anyone gotten the mail yet?

send, sent I have sent an email to all of my contacts.

choose, chose Paul was chosen for the job.

say, said Nothing was said to me.