Shopping 5
A leader is born
Do you like to boss people around? To give instructions or commands with ustedes, just change the vowel in the normal ustedes ending.
For ‑ar verbs, change the ‑an to ‑en.
Sara y Juan, ¡trabajen ahora, por favor!
Sara and Juan, work now, please!
And for ‑er or ‑ir verbs, change the ‑en to ‑an.
Chicos, ¡coman despacio!
Kids, eat slowly!
¡Me lo llevo!
You've already seen that llevar means to carry.
Tienes que llevar las bolsas al carro.
You have to carry the bags to the car.
But when you’re talking about shopping, the expression ¡Me lo llevo! means I’ll take it! Very useful for when you’re on a shopping frenzy!

Esta camisa me gusta y me la llevo.
I like this shirt and I’ll take it.
Go there! Do this!
It’s time to practice your leadership skills again! Hacer and ir have special forms when giving instructions with ustedes.
Pablo y Andrea, ¡hagan eso más rápido!
Pablo and Andrea, do that faster!
Antonio y Blanca, ¡vayan a la tienda!
Antonio and Blanca, go to the store!