Social 2
Let’s love each other!
You've already used amar to say things like Te amo.
Now you can use amarse, which means to love each other.
Mis abuelos se amaron mucho.
My grandparents loved each other a lot.
Yo sé que ellas se amaban mucho.
I know they loved each other a lot.
Me cae bien
Watch your step! You’ve already seen that caerse means to fall down.
¡Ten cuidado, yo creo que puedes caerte!
Be careful! I think you could fall down!
But when caer is followed by bien or mal, it means that you like or dislike someone as a person.

Tu prima me cae bien.
I like your cousin.

El chico nuevo le cae mal.
She doesn't like the new guy.
Protip: remember to include me, le, nos, etc., just like you do with verbs like gustar.
Se conocen el uno al otro
Remember that words like se and nos are used to say each other.

Juan y yo nos amamos.
Juan and I love each other.
You can also add el uno al otro, which means each other as well. Yep, sometimes Spanish is a little redundant!
Nos ayudamos.
We help each other.
Nos ayudamos el uno al otro.
We help each other.
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Se conocen.
They know each other.
Se conocen el uno al otro.
They know each other.