Routines 3

Nosotros nos lavamos
You've seen that some Spanish verbs need extra words like Me llamo Cindy or ¿A qué hora te levantas?.
These same verbs need nos in the nosotros / nosotras form.
Nosotros nos lavamos bien.
We wash ourselves well.​
Add se to the ellos, ellas, and ustedes forms.​
Los animales no se duchan.
Animals don't shower.​
Me lavo la cara
In English, we say He brushes his teeth or I wash my face, but in Spanish you'd normally use el, la, los, or las before body parts.
Ellos siempre se cepillan los dientes.
They always brush their teeth.
Nos lavamos las manos a menudo.
We wash our hands often.
¿Mío o tuyo?
In English, we can say This is my book or The book is mine. It's the same in Spanish!
Este es mi libro.
This is my book.
Este libro es mío.
This book is mine.
Estos son mis libros.​
These are my books.​​
Estos libros son míos.​
These books are mine.​
before a nounwithout/after a noun
mi(s)mío(s) / mía(s)
tu(s)tuyo(s) / tuya(s)
su(s)suyo(s) / suya(s)