Clean Up

¿Me ayudas?
With requests or offers in English, we often use words like will or can to be polite (for example, Will you open the door for me? or Can I help you with that?). In Spanish, it’s okay to be more direct!
¿Tomas esta manzana?
Will you take this apple?
¿Te ayudo con la granja?
Can I help you with the farm?
¿Me traes un tenedor limpio, por favor?
Can you get me a clean fork, please?
Acá vs allá
Use acá to talk about something that is near you.
La caja está acá.
The box is here.
And allá for something that is farther away.
Todo el mundo está allá.
Everybody is over there.
We’ve seen that words like me, te, and se can get attached to the end of an infinitive.
Tienes que levantarte temprano.
You need to wake up early.
If you’re giving a command, you have to attach these words to the end of the verb!
Get up!
Señor, lávese las manos en este baño.
Sir, wash your hands in this bathroom.