
Nos gustaron esas películas
Remember how you used to like really bad movies when you were a kid? You can use gustaron to talk about (multiple) things that you liked in the past.
Me gustaron esos platos.
I liked those dishes.
Keep in mind that you can add in phrases like a mí and a ti at the beginning. But this is optional!
A ti no te gustaron las bebidas en la fiesta ayer.
You did not like the drinks at the party yesterday.
Too easy!
If you want to say that something is really great or really interesting in Spanish, you add ‑ísimo or ‑ísima to the end of the word. Isn't that facilísimo?
El examen es facilísimo.
The exam is really easy.
If the adjective you're intensifying already ends in a vowel, you should remove that vowel before adding ‑ísimo. For example, grande becomes grandísimo.
Hoy Julia se siente cansadísima.
Today Julia feels really tired.
Me encantó la comida
You've already seen how to use gustó and gustaron to talk about what you liked in the past.
Me gustaron las camisetas de esa tienda.
I liked the T‑shirts from that store.
You can use encantó and encantaron in the same way!
Me encantó la comida.
I loved the food.
Le encantaron esos gatos.
He loved those cats.