Work 2
¡Haz! ¡Pon! ¡Ve!
Remember that to (informally) tell someone to do something, you delete the ‑s from the tú form.

¡Gira a la derecha!
Turn right!
However, verbs like hacer, poner and ir have special forms.
Bruno, haz este trabajo ahora, por favor.
Bruno, do this work now, please.
Carlos, pon las cartas sobre la mesa.
Carlos, put the letters on the table.
¡Rebeca, ve a casa temprano!
Rebeca, go home early!
¡Vaya con Dios!
Surprise! Hacer, poner and ir also have special forms when you’re telling someone to do something politely.
Haga su pregunta ahora, señor López.
Ask your question now, Mr. López.
Señor Pérez, ponga los papeles en la bolsa, por favor.
Mr. Pérez, put the papers in the bag, please.
Señorita Sánchez, vaya al banco el miércoles.
Miss Sánchez, go to the bank on Wednesday.