Las paredes están pintadas
In English, we can use verbs (like to haunt) as adjectives. For example, in The house is haunted, haunted describes the word house.
You can do the same thing in Spanish! For ‑ar verbs, use ‑ado and for ‑er and ‑ir verbs, use ‑ido.
pintar → pintado
perder → perdido
dormir → dormido
Notice that the endings also change depending on gender and number.
La cafetera está apagada.
The coffee maker is off.
Los hombres están perdidos.
The men are lost.
¡Creo que deberías usar Duolingo!
Do you feel like giving unsolicited advice? Use creo que deberías to recommend someone to do something.
Ana, creo que deberías apagar el televisor.
Ana, I think you should turn off the television.
If the conversation is formal, use creo que debería instead.
Señor, creo que debería comprar una lavadora nueva.
Sir, I think you should buy a new washing machine.