
Hacer ejercicio es bueno
In English, general statements often begin with an ‑ing verb, like in Exercising is good for your mental health.
In Spanish, this same sentence would begin with an infinitive, like dibujar.
Dibujar es divertido.
Drawing is fun.​
Fumar cigarrillos es malo para la salud​.
Smoking cigarettes is bad for health.​
¡Me duele la cabeza!
¡Ay, ay, ay! Doler works just like gustar.
A mí me duele la espalda.
My back hurts.
Me duelen los pies.
My feet hurt.
¿Te duelen las piernas?
Do your legs hurt?​
Hay que beber mucha agua
Do you want to share your wisdom, you know‑it‑all? To make recommendations or to give advice, use Hay que...​
Hay que dormir ocho horas.​
One must sleep eight hours.​
Hay que comer comida saludable.​
One must eat healthy food.​