Dining Out

The usual, please
When French adjectives change based on gender, there are some patterns you can pick up on! For example, ‑uel and ‑uelle are a pair!
Je vais prendre mon plat habituel.
I'm going to have my usual dish.
Vous êtes sûr que c'est la recette habituelle ?
Are you sure that this is the usual recipe?
La première !
Another pair to look out for is ‑ier and ‑ière!
Nous avons mangé le gâteau entier.
We ate the entire cake.
Il a mangé la pomme entière.
He ate the whole apple.
Stay positif!
Here's one more: if the masculine adjective ends with ‑f, the feminine one will end with ‑ve!
Ce restaurant a reçu un commentaire positif.
This restaurant got a positive review.
J'ai une opinion positive de ce restaurant.
I have a positive opinion of this restaurant.