
Tu prends un thé ?
We've seen that Je prends un taxi means I am taking a taxi. Prendre has other meanings, too!
Tu prends un thé ?
Are you having a tea?
Non. Je prends un café.
No. I'm having a coffee.
Je voudrais un verre d'eau !
D'oh! Remember, if a noun begins with a vowel, you use d' instead of de. It makes the words run a little smoother!
une bouteille d'eau
a bottle of water
un fromage d'Italie
a cheese from Italy
quatre verres d'eau
four glasses of water
Ordering in a restaurant
Are you ready to go to a French restaurant? Remember to be polite!
Une table pour deux personnes, s'il vous plaît.
A table for two, please.
What would you like to drink? Use voudrais instead of veux!
Je voudrais deux cafés.
I would like two coffees.