Travel 2
J'aime voyager !
Voyager, aller, and manger, are all infinitives. In English, infinitives usually look like to travel or to eat. In French, you don't need that extra to!

J'aime manger !
I like to eat!
J'aime la France !
In English, saying The trains are big or I like the wine usually means you're talking about a particular wine or specific trains. In French, you use le, la, or les when talking about specific things, but you also use these words when stating general facts!

Les trains sont grands.
Trains are big.
You also use them when talking about your likes or dislikes.

Tu aimes le vin ?
Do you like wine?
And also when talking about countries!

Le Mexique est mon pays.
Mexico is my country.
Aux my goodness!
We've already seen that au is a combination of à and le. Now, if the noun is plural, use aux, instead of à les.
à + le = au
à + les = aux
Here are some examples that use these contractions.
Tu vas au supermarché ?
You are going to the supermarket.
Je vais aux Etats‑Unis.
I am going to the United States.

Il va aux toilettes.
He is going to the bathrooms.
Ils aiment voyager !
If you're talking about more than one person, most verbs end in ‑nt.

Ils vont au Mexique.
They are going to Mexico.