Remember, remember, the noun and its gender! Some adjectives take a special form with feminine nouns.
blanc | blanche |
cher | chère |
bon | bonne |
gentil | gentille |

un T‑shirt cher
an expensive T‑shirt

une robe chère
an expensive dress
With our powers combined!
Remember how à combines with le to make au? The word de can also combine with le and les to form something new.
de + le = du
de + les = des
Here are some examples that use these contractions.
le prix du sac
the price of the bag
le prix des oranges
the price of the oranges

le prix des robes
the price of the dresses
Un, deux, trois !
You're ready to count to ten in French! How many days are in a week? How many people are in your family? How many apples are in your kitchen?
0 | zéro |
1 | un |
2 | deux |
3 | trois |
4 | quatre |
5 | cinq |
6 | six |
7 | sept |
8 | huit |
9 | neuf |
10 | dix |