People 4
Speak you French?
One way to ask questions is to switch the word order. Just move the verb up, and add a hyphen!
Tu parles chinois.
You speak Chinese.
Parles‑tu chinois ?
Do you speak Chinese ?
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Tu habites au Luxembourg.
You live in Luxembourg.
Habites‑tu au Luxembourg ?
Do you live in Luxembourg?

Êtes‑vous professeur ?
Are you a teacher?
Some questions ask for more information than a simple oui or non. For these, you'll need to begin with a question word, then use the switched word order you learned above!

Où est‑elle ?
Where is she?

Quand travailles‑tu ?
When are you working?
How often?
In French, expressions like often, every day, and so on usually come at the very beginning of the sentence or right after the verb.
Chaque vendredi, nous mangeons au restaurant.
Every Friday, we eat at the restaurant.
Je vais souvent au musée.
I often go to the museum.