Quel temps fait‑il ?
To talk about the weather in English, we often begin with it. A lot of French expressions about the weather begin with il!
Il y a du vent.
It's windy.

Il fait soleil.
It's sunny.
'tis the season!
To talk about what month or season something happens in, say en!
Je voyage en avril.
I am traveling in April.
En automne, il fait froid.
In the fall, it's cold.
The exception is springtime!
Il pleut au printemps.
It rains in the spring.
By the way, did you notice that months aren't capitalized in French?

En août il fait chaud.
In August, it's hot.
Excuses, excuses!
In English we might say It's too cold to swim. French is similar!
Il fait trop froid pour nager.
It's too cold to swim.
Il y a trop de vent pour sortir.
It's too windy to go out.