School 2
Oooh le la
To say you're inviting him, her, or them to do something, use le, la, or les. And remember, words like him and her come before the verb in French!
Elle le rencontre au café.
She meets him at the cafe.
Il la connaît.
He knows her.
Nous les voyons toutes les semaines.
We see them every week.
And don't forget that le and la become l' before a vowel or silent h.
Je l'adore parce qu'elle est très gentille.
I love her because she is very kind.

Il est gentil et je le connais bien.
He is nice and I know him well.
Je dis bonjour à Laura
When you're telling someone something, use à before the name of the person.
Nous disons à Thomas quand nous partons en vacances.
We tell Thomas when we are leaving for vacation.

Je dis à Paul que c'est l'anniversaire d'Emma.
I tell Paul it's Emma's birthday.
Ça marche !
Ça can mean it, this, or that depending on the context!
Tu aimes ça ?
Do you like it?
Je ne sais pas dire ça en anglais.
I don't know how to say that in English.
Ça n'a pas de prix.
This has no price.