Food 2
Je suis en train de dormir...
In English, when we're in the middle of a meal, we'll say I am eating. In French, you can say Je suis en train de manger to express that you're doing something in the moment.
Je suis en train de partir.
I am leaving.
Vous êtes en train de manger.
You are eating.
Notice that after en train de, you'll need to use the infinitive — the form of the verb that ends with ‑er, ‑ir, or ‑re.

Il est en train de prendre une douche.
He is taking a shower.
I have a sweet tooth!
Oh yeah, it's time to talk pastries! You can use à to say what the flavor of something is, or what it's made out of. Remember to change à into au or aux if necessary!
Je préfère la glace à la vanille.
I prefer vanilla ice cream.
J'adore les pains au chocolat.
I love chocolate croissants.

Nous cuisinons une tarte aux fraises.
We're cooking a strawberry pie.
What are you bringing along?
At a party, we might say I want something to drink. In French, you'd say that you want quelque chose à boire!
J'apporte quelque chose à boire.
I am bringing something to drink.
Je prépare quelque chose à manger.
I am preparing something to eat.

Voulez‑vous quelque chose à manger ?
Would you like something to eat?