Shopping 3
J'ai fini !
You've seen how to talk about the past with ‑er verbs using the passé composé.
J'ai acheté une voiture.
I bought a car.
With a lot of ‑ir verbs, the ending will be ‑i!
Tu as choisi quelle robe ?
Which dress did you choose?
J'ai grandi en Californie, mais maintenant j'habite à Paris.
I grew up in California, but now I live in Paris.

Vous avez fini ?
Have you finished?
Pantalon en cuir
To say what something is made out of, use en with the material.
Marc a des chaussures en cuir.
Marc has leather shoes.
Je viens d'acheter un bracelet en argent.
I just bought a silver bracelet.

Mes cousins portent des T‑shirts en coton.
My cousins wear cotton t‑shirts.
I see your true colors!
We've seen that adjectives usually change their ending to match the gender and number of nouns, like in J'ai choisi des robes bleues.
An exception is when a color is more than one word, like bleu clair.
Tu préfères la jupe bleu clair ou bleu foncé ?
Do you prefer the light blue or dark blue skirt?
Orange and marron are also exceptions, because those words can also be nouns.
J'aime les bottes marron, mais elles sont très chères.
I like the brown boots, but they're very expensive.