
I have great shame!
French has several expressions with avoir. Here are a few examples.
Tu as l'air malade.
You look sick.
J'ai envie de regarder la télé.
I want to watch TV.
Il a honte de son ami.
He is ashamed of his friend.
Tu as honte de tes notes.
You are ashamed of your grades.
A‑t‑il un problème ?
To make a question with avoir about an il or elle, you'll say a‑t‑il or a‑t‑elle!
A‑t‑elle un parapluie ?
Does she have an umbrella?
Pourquoi a‑t‑il honte ?
Why is he ashamed?​
A‑t‑il une question ?
Does he have a question?
Tu devrais commencer à étudier
To say that you are starting to do something, use commencer à, followed by an infinitive.
Elles commencent à manger.
They start to eat.
Il commence à pleuvoir.
It's starting to rain.
Vous devriez commencer à travailler.
You should start working.