A change in me
We've seen how être is used with verbs to express some sort of movement in the past, like in Elle est allée.
You can also use être with verbs that show a change in someone's state of being (or a lack of change!) Some examples are mourir, naître, devenir, rester.

Nous sommes restés à Paris pendant trois semaines.
We stayed in Paris for three weeks.
Ma mère est née en France.
My mother was born in France.
En quelle année es‑tu né ?
As you've seen, when something happened in a particular year, you use the word en. But if something happened in a century, you use au... siècle!
Tu es né en 1985.
You were born in 1985.
Mon fils est né au vingt et unième siècle.
My son was born in the twenty‑first century.
And, if something happened in a decade like the sixties or the seventies, use dans les années...

Il est né dans les années cinquante.
My grandfather was born in the fifties.
Parle‑moi de tes problèmes !
Let's talk about what you talk about! The phrase parler de means to talk about.
Il me parle de ses études.
He is talking to me about his studies.
Nous parlons souvent de nos problèmes.
We often talk about our problems.
Notice that words like souvent go right after the form of parler!

Elle parle de sa famille.
She is talking about her family.