People 2
Talking about more than one thing in French works just like in English — just add s! But in French, that plural s is usually silent.
Also, le, la and l' become les.
Take that!
The verb prendre has an s ending for both the je and tu forms.
I | prends
take |
you | prends
take |
il / elle
he / she | prend
takes |

Je prends l'avion.
I am taking the plane.
Ils and elles
Ils and elles both mean they. Use elles for groups of only women, and use ils for groups of men or mixed groups.

Ils sont étudiants.
They are students.

Elles sont étudiantes.
They are students.
In many French words, the final consonant is silent. But in some situations, you need to pronounce that sound when it's followed by a vowel or silent h!