Weather 2

An unusual future
Some verbs, ones that are used super often, go through a transformation before adding the future endings!
Ils auront un examen demain.
They will have an exam tomorrow.
Qu'est‑ce qu'ils feront ce soir ?
What will they do tonight?
Tu iras à la campagne dans deux jours.
You will go to the countryside in two days.
Je serai dans mon jardin.
I will be in my garden.
S'il fait beau, nous irons à la plage !
To say if in French, use the word si.
Si j'ai le temps, je t'appellerai.
If I have time, I will call you.
Just like in English, you use the present after si, then the future to say what'll happen.
Si tu étudies, tu auras une bonne note.
If you study, you will get a good grade.
Si tu as froid à la tête, mets un chapeau !
Sometimes your fingers are freezing, or your head feels too warm! To complain about what specific body parts are cold or warm, use avoir froid à and avoir chaud à.
J'ai froid aux mains.
My hands are cold.
J'ai trop chaud à la tête.
My head is too warm.