
Le film que je regarde est intéressant
We've already seen phrases like un acteur qui chante. Similarly, we can also use que in a sentence to say that.
Le sac que tu portes est lourd.
The bag that you're carrying is heavy.​
How do you know if you should use qui or que? A helpful tip is that qui is followed by a verb, while que isn't!
C'est à moi !
The expression être à means to belong to. Remember to use it with pronouns like moi and toi instead of je or tu!
Cette maison est à moi.​
This house belongs to me.
À quoi sert cet objet ?
To say what something is used for, use servir à followed by a verb.
Cet appareil sert à prendre des photos.
This device is used for taking pictures.​