So many questions
The words you use to ask how much and how many in Italian also have different forms depending on whether they are masculine or feminine, singular, or plural.
Quanto succo bevi?
How much juice do you drink?
Quanta torta mangi?
How much cake do you eat?
Quanti ragazzi mangiano?
How many boys eat?
Quante ragazze mangiano?
How many girls eat?
Luckily sometimes you’ll have a little break! Which only changes when you're talking about one or more things.
Quale balena?
Which whale?
Quali ragazzi?
Which boys?
Quali balene?
Which whales?
Some of the words we use to ask questions become shorter before the verb è.
For example, quale drops the ‑e before è and turns into qual.

Qual è il tuo gatto?
Which is your cat?
Cosa and dove become cos' and dov' before è and combine together with it.

Dov'è il cuoco?
Where is the cook?