Dates and Time
Months & seasons
The names of months and seasons aren’t capitalized in Italian.
Il ristorante apre a gennaio.
The restaurant opens in January.
Il ristorante apre a febbraio.
The restaurant opens in February.
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Il ristorante apre a marzo.
The restaurant opens in March.
Il ristorante apre ad aprile.
The restaurant opens in April.
Il ristorante apre a maggio.
The restaurant opens in May.
Il ristorante apre a giugno.
The restaurant opens in June.
Il ristorante apre a luglio.
The restaurant opens in July.
Il ristorante apre ad agosto.
The restaurant opens in August.
Il ristorante apre a settembre.
The restaurant opens in September.
Il ristorante apre a ottobre.
The restaurant opens in October.
Il ristorante apre a novembre.
The restaurant opens in November.
Il ristorante apre a dicembre.
The restaurant opens in December.
Use a or in before a month.
Beviamo la birra a giugno.
We drink the beer in June.
Non siamo in gennaio, ma in luglio.
We are not in January, but in July.
Before a season, you'll use in just like in English.
Non siamo in autunno, ma in primavera.
We are not in autumn, but in spring.
Siamo in estate, non in inverno.
We are in summer, not in winter.

Siamo in inverno.
We are in winter.
Days of the week
In Italian, the days of the week aren't capitalized. Typically, the week starts on Monday in Italy.
Monday | lunedì |
Tuesday | martedì |
Wednesday | mercoledì |
Thursday | giovedì |
Friday | venerdì |
Saturday | sabato |
Sunday | domenica |
Don't forget the accent mark on the ‑ì for the first five days of the week.
Oggi è lunedì.
Today is Monday.
Domani è martedì.
Tomorrow is Tuesday.

Domani è venerdì.
Tomorrow is Friday.
Stamattina, stasera, and stanotte
In English, we say this morning, this afternoon, this evening, but tonight rather than this night. Similarly, you'll say stanotte for tonight in Italian.

Io lavoro stanotte.
I work tonight.
In the same way, you'll say stamattina for this morning, and stasera for this evening.
Cosa bevi stamattina?
What are you drinking this morning?
Cosa fai stasera?
What are you doing this evening?
For this afternoon, you can just say questo pomeriggio or oggi pomeriggio.