The Italian school system usually includes thirteen grades. The last part is sometimes called liceo and it's pretty similar to what's known as high school.
Siamo compagni di liceo.
We are high school classmates.
After liceo, people can go onto università and get a university degree, which is called laurea in Italy.
Quanti studenti ci sono nella tua università?
How many students are there in your university?
Ho una laurea.
I have a university degree.
I miei voti sono buoni
The word voto is twice as handy! It means both grade and vote!
I nostri voti sono sulla scrivania dell'insegnante.
Our grades are on the teacher's desk.
Quanto sono importanti i voti?
How important are the votes?
Tu studi qualche lingua straniera?
Lingua can mean language but also tongue! That’s easy to remember because you use your tongue to speak a language!