Travel 2
Voglio parlare italiano
In English, both countries and nationalities are spelled with a capital letter. But in Italian, you'd say Cina and cinese. You don't have to capitalize nationalities.
Il pane francese è molto popolare in Brasile.
French bread is very popular in Brazil.
Vado in Spagna la settimana prossima.
I go to Spain next week.
I miei genitori sono spagnoli.
My parents are Spanish.

Lui è brasiliano, ma vive in Cina.
He is Brazilian, but he lives in China.
Languages, just like nationalities, are not capitalized either in Italian.
Vengo dall'Italia e parlo italiano.
I come from Italy and I speak Italian.
In Brasile si parla portoghese.
In Brazil, Portuguese is spoken.
Voglio andare in Asia
Remember that in Italian you'll usually add in between a verb and a country.

Due mesi fa sono andata in Cina.
Two months ago I went to China.

Ovviamente vive in Francia.
Obviously she lives in France.
You'll also use in before continents.
Sei mai andato in Africa?
Have you ever gone to Africa?
In Asia lo mangiano.
In Asia they eat it.
Vengo dalla Cina
One of the first questions you might hear in Italy is Da dove vieni?. To say I am from… in Italian, you'll use the verb venire with the combination of da plus il, la, l', etc. followed by your country.

Io vengo dal Brasile.
I come from Brazil.
I miei genitori vengono dalla Cina.
My parents come from China.
Vengo dall'Inghilterra.
I come from England.