Which flavor?
In English we say chocolate cream, but in Italian you'd say crema al cioccolato.

Io mangio la crema al cioccolato.
I'm eating the chocolate cream.
Io ho la torta al caffè.
I have the coffee cake.
Al is often used to talk about food and flavors, but you'll see that little word in many other situations. Keep an eye out for it!
Note that, in English, the isn't always necessary, but in Italian you should never leave it out!
Il gelato non è una colazione.
Ice cream is not a breakfast.
Nom nom nom
Here's a recap for the forms of verbs that end in ‑are, like mangiare, cucinare, and tagliare.
I | cucino
cook |
you | cucini
cook |
lui / lei
he / she | cucina
cooks |
we | cuciniamo
cook |
you all | cucinate
cook |
they | cucinano
cook |

Lui cucina il cibo.
He cooks the food.
The sounds of C
The letter c in Italian usually sounds like k in English.
caffè, biscotto, crema (it sounds like k, as in cap)
However, when c comes before e or i, it sounds like English ch.
cena, spiacente (as in cheap)
cibo, cucino, arrivederci (as in chin)
And whenever you come across a double c, be sure to make it sound longer and stronger than a single c.
cioccolato (longer sound, as in black car)