Abstract Objects 2
L'importanza della bellezza
Now let's have a look at the Italian words that end in ‑nza! These nouns are always feminine. They usually refer to abstract concepts, like importanza, violenza, or frequenza.
Abbiamo insistito sulla sua importanza.
We have insisted on its importance.
A che ora è la partenza?
What time is the departure?
All Italian nouns ending in ‑zza are like ‑nza words, too — they're feminine and abstract!

La bellezza non è tutto.
Beauty is not everything.

Io e lui siamo quasi della stessa altezza.
He and I are almost of the same height.
And you're already familiar with the feminine words that end in ‑ione (‑ion in English).
È per la tua protezione.
It is for your protection.
Non era mia intenzione.
It was not my intention.
Dammi il cambio!
The Italian word cambio has so many different meanings! For example, it means change in many situations.

Ho bisogno di un cambio d'abito.
I need a change of clothes.
But cambio also means transmission when you're talking about cars!

Che tipo di cambio usano in Italia?
What type of transmission do they use in Italy?
The expression in cambio means in exchange.

Che mi dai in cambio?
What are you giving me in exchange?
And finally, dare il cambio means to take over for someone.

Dammi il cambio.
Take over for me.
Ho preso l'influenza!
You probably know already that flu is the short version of influenza. What you might not know, is that influenza is actually an Italian word!

Ho preso l'influenza!
I have got the flu!
Mi hai passato l'influenza.
You gave me the flu.
But influenza doesn't mean just flu in Italian! It also means influence in general.
Sono completamente sotto la sua influenza.
I am entirely under his influence.
Ho una buona influenza sui bambini.
I have a good influence on the children.