Verbs: Future Perfect
Avrai lavorato tutto il giorno
In English, we can say By tonight I will have already cooked. In Italian, you do pretty much the same thing!
First, take the future form of avere.
I | avrò
will have |
you | avrai
will have |
lui / lei
he / she | avrà
will have |
we | avremo
will have |
you all | avrete
will have |
they | avranno
will have |
Then, change the ending on the following verb to ‑ato, ‑uto, or ‑ito.
Per stasera avrò già cucinato.
By tonight I will have already cooked.
Non avrai creduto alle sue parole.
You will not have believed his words.
Per domani avremo seguito tutti i corsi.
By tomorrow we will have attended all the courses.
Usually, you’ll use ‑ato for verbs that end in ‑are, ‑uto for ‑ere verbs, and ‑ito for ‑ire verbs.

Io avrò trovato il ristorante.
I will have found the restaurant.
Non so se ci sarà piaciuto
For some verbs that talk about motion (like venire and andare), you’ll use the future of essere instead of avere.

Sarà andato via prima di te.
He will have gone away before you.
Domani sarò arrivato.
Tomorrow I will have arrived.
Verbs that include extra little words also use essere in these cases.
Non ti sarai sentito solo?
Won't you have felt lonely?
Si sarà ricordato di lei?
Will he have remembered her?