When talking about using some mode of transportation, put に after the vehicle, and end with 乗ります. Remember, the verb comes at the end of the sentence in Japanese!
(I) ride a bicycle.
(I) ride taxis.
(I) take the train.
It's about time!
In English, when we talk about how much time something takes, we usually use the words approximately or about before the time. In Japanese, you use the word くらい after the approximate time!
(It) takes about five minutes to get to the hotel from the train station.
(It) takes about ten minutes to get to school from the train station.
どれくらいかかりますか? About how long will (it) take?
Not too far off!
To say things like notslow or notfast, change the ‑い at the end of an adjective to ‑くない. For example, to say notclose in Japanese, you’d change 近い to 近くない.