Hobby 2

Kanji time!
We’ve mentioned before that kanji represent words. The kanji and can combine with other words to make different time phrases!

先週, 先月
last week, last month

今週, 今月
this week, this month

来週, 来月
next week, next month
next + coming
再来週, 再来月
the week after next, the month after next
くない vs. くありません
In Japanese, there are lots of subtle little ways to be polite. For example, if a coworker asked you if you could help them, you could respond:
I am not busy today.
But if your boss asked you if you had time to do an important presentation, you’d say:
I am not busy this week.
See the difference? The ending you put on 忙しいくない versus くありません!
Shall we keep going?
What should we do next week? You can change the ‑ます at the end of a verb to ‑ましょう to give your suggestion!
Let’s meet again.
Let’s eat!
Feeling too bossy? To make it more of a question, just add that question word !
Shall we run next week?