Verbs: Infinitive 1

Eu quero caminhar
In English, we can string two verbs one after the other, like I want to walk. In Portuguese, you can do the same thing!
Eles tentam caminhar.
They try to walk.
The first verb usually changes according to the person. The second verb stays in the infinitive form instead.
Eu quero caminhar.
I want to walk.
I like you and I need you
You have seen that gostar is always followed by de, no matter what comes after it.
Eles gostam de gatos.
They like cats.
Ele gosta de cozinhar.
He likes to cook.​
Precisar is a bit different from gostar. There’s still a de when the following word is a noun.
Eles precisam de uma casa.
They need a house.
However, there’s no de between precisar and a verb.
Eles precisam trabalhar.
They need to work.​